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时间:2023/05/12 信息来源:bet356体育亚洲官网入口 作者:

undefined董林鹏,男,199312月出生于陕西省兴平市。2019年毕业于西安电子科技大学微电子学与固体电子学专业,博士学位,副教授,硕士研究生导师。20197月起于暨南大学工作,任理工学院光电工程系教师;20205月起于bet356体育亚洲官网入口工作,目前任职于bet356体育亚洲官网入口。长期从事第四代超宽禁带半导体氧化镓外延制备工艺、掺杂特性、以及日盲紫外光电探测器等方面的研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,陕西省教育厅项目1项。在国际知名期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,论文 h 指数13担任bet356体育亚洲官网入口校报青年编委,以及ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesOptics ExpressApplied Physics LettersAdvanced Optical Materials多个国际期刊审稿人。主讲本科生光电子材料与器件、以及专业课程设计等课程。欢迎具有微电子学电子科学与技术、以及凝聚态物理等专业知识背景的员工报考。


1. 宽禁带氧化物半导体氧化镓外延工艺研究

2. 氧化镓基日盲紫外光电探测器研究

3. 基于第一性原理计算方法的宽禁带半导体材料和器件仿真


1. First-principles study on the electronic properties of layered Ga2O3/TeO2 heterolayers for high-performance electronic devices, Applied Surface Science 602, 154382, 2022.

2. First-Principles-Based Quantum Transport Simulations of High-Performance and Low-Power MOSFETs Based on Monolayer Ga2O3, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14, 42, 48220-48228, 2022.

3. Electrical Contacts in Monolayer Ga2O3 Field-effect Transistors, Applied Surface Science, 564, 150386, 2021.

4. Investigations of the stability and electronic properties of two-dimensional Ga2O3 nanosheet in air from first-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science 537, 147883, 2021.

5. Modulation in structural and electronic properties of 2D Ga2O3 by chemical passivation Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8 (36), 12551-12559, 2020.

6. All-Fiber Multifunctional Electro-Optic Device with Graphene/PMMA (Polymethyl Methacrylate) Hybrid Film Integrated on Coreless Side-Polished Fiber. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (2), 447-455, 2020.

7. Performance-enhanced solar-blind photodetectors based on CH3NH3PbI3/β-Ga2O3 hybrid structure. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (45), 14205-14211, 2019.

8. Elements (Si, Sn, and Mg) doped α-Ga2O3: First-principles investigations and predictions, Computational Materials Science 156, 273-279, 2019.

9. Self-powered MSM DUV β-Ga2O3 photodetector realized by an asymmetrical pair of Schottky interdigital contacts. Optical Materials Express 9 (3), 1191-1199, 2019.



