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时间:2023/05/15 信息来源:bet356体育亚洲官网入口 作者:




2006年7月起至今在bet356体育亚洲官网入口工作。在教学上,一直承担本科生的“物理光学”、“信息光学”、“专业实验”等课程的教学工作,教学效果受到了督导团和员工的好评, 2014年获得第9届bet356体育亚洲官网入口青年教师讲课比赛3等奖。独立指导本科毕业设计70余人,指导研究生3人。



Optics Letters、Optics Express、Applied Optics、Journal of Optics、Chinese Optics Letters 等国内外著名光学期刊上已发表论文二十多篇。部分研究成果入选著名学者李俊昌教授编写的“衍射计算及数字全息”(科学出版社)一书中,其中一篇入选Journal of optics杂志的“highlights of 2014”,是该年度唯一一篇干涉测量方向的文章;2022年,发表的论文“Robust and fast dual-wavelength phase unwrapping in quantitative phase imaging with region segmentation”被知名科研网站 “Advances in Engineering”网站重点介绍。2013年至今为Optics Letters、Optics Express、Optics & Laser Technology、Applied Optics、Optik等光学期刊的审稿人。




guorongli@xatu.edu.cn, 68703693@qq.com






1. Rongli Guo, Simcha K. Mirsky, Itay Barnea, Matan Dudaie, and Natan T. Shaked, Quantitative phase imaging by wide-field interferometry with variable shearing distance uncoupled from the off-axis angle [J], Optics Express, 2020, 28(4):5617–5628.

2. Rongli Guo, Itay Barnea, and Natan T. Shaked, Limited-angle tomographic phase microscopy utilizing confocal scanning fluorescence microscopy, Biomedical Optics Express [J], 2021, 12(4):1869–1881.

3. Rongli Guo, Itay Barnea, Natan T. Shaked, Low-coherence shearing interferometry with constant off-axis angle [J], Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 6: 611679.

4. Rongli Guo and Fan Wang, Compact and stable real-time dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy with a long-working distance objective [J], Optics Express, 2017, 25(20):24512-24520.

5. Rongli Guo, Weiguang Zhang, Rong Liu, Cunli Duan, and Fan Wang, Phase unwrapping in dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy with total variation regularization [J], Optics Letters 43(14), 2018:3449-3452.

6. Rongli Guo, Shuaidong Lu, Yinhua Wu, Miaomiao Zhang, and Fan Wang, Robust and fast dual-wavelength phase unwrapping in quantitative phase imaging with region segmentation [J], Optics Communications, 2022, 510:127965.

7. Rongli Guo, Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, Meiling Zhou, Jun Han, Xun Yu, Xianghua Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan,Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan, and Tong Ye, Off-axis digital holographic microscopy with LED illumination based on polarization filtering [J], Applied Optics, 2013, 52(34):8233-8238.

8. Rongli Guo, Baoli Yao, Junwei Min, Meiling Zhou, Xianghua Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan, and Tong Ye, LED-based digital holographic microscopy with slightly off-axis interferometry [J], Jounal of Optics, 2014, 16(12):125408. (入选该杂志Highlights of 2014,以及入选该杂志Paper of the Week)

9. Rongli Guo, Fan Wang, Xiaoying Hu, Wenqian Yang, Off-axis low coherence digital holographic interferometry for quantitative phase imaging with an LED, Journal of Optics [J], 2017, 19(11): 115702.

10. Rongli Guo, Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, Juanjuan Zheng, and Tong Ye, Reflective point-diffraction microscopic interferometer with long-term stability [J], Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(12): 120002. (Invited paper)

11. Rongli Guo, Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, Jun Han, Xun Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan,Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan, and Tong Ye, Parallel on-axis phase-shifting holographic phase microscopy based on reflective point diffraction interferometer with long-term stability [J], Applied Optics, 2013, 52(15):3484-3489.

12. Peng Gao, Baoli Yao, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo, Juanjuan Zheng, and Tong Ye, Parallel two-step phase-shifting microscopic interferometry based on a cube beamsplitter [J], Optics Communications, 2011, 284(18): 4136-4140.

13. Peng Gao, Baoli Yao, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo, Juanjuan Zheng, Tong Ye, Irina Harder and Vanusch Nercissian and Klaus Mantel, Parallel two-step phase-shifting point-diffraction interferometry for microscopy based on a pair of cube beamsplitters [J], Optics Express, 2011, 19(3): 1930-1935.

14. D. G. Abdelsalam, Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, and Rongli Guo, Single-shot parallel four-step phase shifting using on-axis Fizeau interferometry [J], Applied Optics, 2012, 51(20): 4891-4895.

15. Junwei Min, Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Rongli Guo, Baiheng Ma, Juanjuan Zheng, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Dan Dan, Tao Duan, Yanlong Yang, and Tong Ye, Dual-wavelength slightly off-axis digital holographic microscopy [J], Applied Optics, 2012, 51(2):191-196.

16. Lidor Karako, Rongli Guo, Itay Barnea, and Natan T. Shaked, Flipping interferometric module for simultaneous dual-wavelength unwrapping of quantitative phase maps of biological cells [J], Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 667023.

17. Peng Gao,Baoli Yao ,Junwei Min,Rongli Guo,Baiheng Ma,Juanjuan Zheng,Ming Lei,Shaohui Yan,Dan Dan,Tong Ye,Autofocusing of digital holographic microscopy based on off-axis illuminations,Optics Letters,2012,37(17):3630-3632.

18. Junwei Min,Baoli Yao ,Meiling Zhou,Rongli Guo,Ming Lei,Yanlong Yang,Dan Dan,Shaohui Yan,Tong Peng,Phase retrieval without unwrapping by single-shot dual-wavelength digital holography,Journal of Optics,2014,16(12):125409-125409.

19. 王阳, 张美玲, 王宇, 温凯, 卓可群, 郭荣礼, 郜鹏, 部分相干光照明的数字全息显微技术及应用,激光与光电子学进展 [J],2021,58(18): 150-165. (邀请文章)

20. 惠倩楠,段存丽,冯斌,王凡,郭荣礼,采用长工作距离物镜的低噪声相移数字全息显微研究, 光电工程 [J],2019,46(12):190140.



1. 郭荣礼; 刘王云; 王凡; 刘蓉; 段存丽; 路绍军; 胡加兴; 胡小英 ; 一种能够有效去除相位噪声的双波长相位解包裹方法, 2020-2-4, 中国, ZL201810171570.5 (专利)

2. 郭荣礼; 韩峰; 路绍军; 龚昌妹; 于洵 ; 一种实时超分辨偏振红外光电成像方法, 2020-8-18, 中国,ZL201810922127.7 (专利)

3.王凡; 郭荣礼; 张维光; 刘王云; 胡小英; 张玉虹 ; 一种简单快速的双波长数字全息相位成像方法,2021-1-5, 中国, ZL201810936403.5 (专利)

4. 郭荣礼; 王凡; 路绍军; 张维光; 韩峰; 于洵 ; 一种稳定的轻离轴干涉显微装置, 2019-3-12, 中国,ZL201821319961.9 (专利)

5. 郭荣礼; 王凡; 段存丽; 路绍军 ; 一种可实现稳定测量的双波长干涉显微装置, 2018-2-23, 中国, ZL201720903733.5 (专利)

6. 段存丽; 赵鹏程; 郭荣礼; 张玉虹; 刘王云; 胡小英; 于佳; 万文博 ; 一种扩束准直光束的自动调校方法, 2020-11-10, 中国, ZL201810072140.8 (专利)

7. 王凡; 郭荣礼; 倪晋平; 杨曈 ; 六边形像元面阵探测器调制传递函数计算方法, 2017-11-30, 中国,ZL201711240291.1 (专利)



1. Rongli Guo; Itay Barnea; Simcha K. Mirsky; Matan Dudaie; Natan Shaked ; Quantitative phase imaging by a shearing interferometric module with constant off-axis angle (SICA) module, Label free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2021 (SPIE BIOS), (online virtual meeting), 2021-3-5至2021-3-11 (会议报告)

2. 郭荣礼 ; Phase unwrapping in dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy with total variation regularization, Icopen 2018, Shanghai, 2018-5-8至2018-5-11 (会议报告)

3. 郭荣礼; 一种基于区域分割技术的快速双波长数字全息显微相位解包裹方法, 2021年中国光学学会全息与光信息处理专委会学术年会, 兰州, 2021-7-28至2021-7-30 (会议报告)



1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 61605152, 部分相干光照明的双波长轻离轴数字全息 显微研究, 2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31, 19万元, 结题, 主持

2. 陕西省科技厅, 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目, 2017JM1037, LED照明的轻离轴数字全息显微研究, 20 17-01 至 2018-12, 3.0万元, 结题, 主持

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 11704302, 异形像元面阵探测器调制传递函数建模方 法及特性分析研究, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 19万元, 结题, 参与

4. 陕西省科技厅, 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目, 2021JQ-640, 基于色散固定光程差干涉仪的高精度视向速度反演方法, 2021-01 至 2022-12, 3.0万元, 在研, 参与

5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,61405242,基于LED照明的高分辨数字全息显微技术研究,2015/01-2017/12,25万元,结题,参与



